June 29, 2017: State Of Exception In Berlin Due To Epic Rainfall

Berlin and North-East-Germany have an increasing problem due to climate change: it’s getting too dry. Statistically, the annual precipitation amount in Berlin is around 550mm or less. The City and Brandenburg, which is the driest province in Germany, are situated between the continental climate regions in Eastern Europe and the West of Germany which is influenced by a more maritime climate. Often rainfall from low-pressure systems coming in from the west side doesn’t reach Berlin. But with every new year, there was even less rain.

In June 2017 there was news about problems with sinking phreatic levels and lakes in the Barnim ( a region in the North-East of Berlin) even dried out. This was shortly before a big surprise which kept fire-starters and police awake for more than 24 hours.

June 29 will be a day remembered for a historically unseen weather event. The day before brought already some severe weather with thunderstorms but at sunset, things looked calm. After some rain meadows and fields were covered with a thin layer of mist.

Only the typical cirrus clouds and weather reports indicated rain coming in for the next day.

There was indeed a flood warning in place but what happened then exceeded all expectations. In 24 hours there were 196,9 mm liters of rain per square meter in Tegel, which is the quarter of the city with the airport in the North-West. But all other parts of the city were hit by the epic flashflood too. It was like Noah’s Flood since the torrential rain didn’t stop for many hours.


Luckily there were so far no casualties but dramatic damage in various places: The U9 subway in the west was affected when parts of a tunnel were flooded, airplanes couldn’t land, many streets were underwater and a building had to be evacuated because of fears it could collapse. An endless number of cellars got flooded. Berlin’s fire-starters did an incredible job. There were over 2000 emergency responses. It was not before afternoon the next day that the state of emergency was canceled.

However, it is an eery silence at the moment. For some hours it was dry but in the late afternoon, there were again some torrential rain showers. The situation is still dangerous because trees could fall and levels of rivers are rising. There is more rain predicted for the next days.

The reason for this epic flood was an unusual weather-pattern with two low-pressure systems and extreme wet air in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. The wind was blowing from different directions. The clouds were circling around and some of them even moving back again due to the conditions in the atmosphere.

Not any extreme weather event is related to climate change but this type of tropic torrential rain is very unusual and fits in certain patterns which were predicted by scientists a long time ago. On the other side there was a flood in Berlin on April 14, 1902, which left strong memories long before global warming was an issue.

In any case, its time to take some precautions. Berlin will build new and huge water storages for the future. Today we are in praise for our firefighters who helped so many.

The Oldest Mountain Weather Observatory Of The World And A Weather Trail

60 kilometres south-west of Bavarian’s capital Munich is not only one of the oldest observatories  but also one of the most important high-tech weather stations of our days. The Hohen Peissenberg is a nearly 1000 metres high mountain with a spectacular view. The mountain is situated in front of the Alps and many peaks could be seen from there. Furthermore there is a great view of the alpine upland with its lakes. On top of the mountain is the oldest mountain weather observatory of the world. There is a regular observation of temperature and other meteorological data continously since 1781. And long before this activity the monks of the monastery on Hohen Peissenberg began with scientifically measurements. Hohen Peissenberg is also a spiritual centre with a long tradition. The history of this observatory became very important in our days with an ongoing climate change: Unlike other old observatories Hohen Peissenbergs measurements of temperature weren’t compromised by modern civilisation. In Prag for example the growing city led to warmer temperatures. Here, in the clear and thin mountain air, there are no disturbing factors like urban heat islands. The measurements are a disconcerting proof and demonstration of ongoing climate change. There is no doubt that temperatures have risen over the last 100 years with records over the last 10 years. The obversatory’s measurements are also given proof to a significant change in weather patterns like heavy rain on one side and more dry periods on the other side. Today the observatory hosts the most modern technological research with top-notch equipment. An important field of research is the science of the atmosphere. For exampe ozone-concentratins are measured and other weather or atmospheric related phenomena. The observatory can do research about certain chemicals in the atmosphere and many other importants fields of current research. Its data are highly valued and are in use for the weather forecast. The observatory is affiliated with the German Weather Service (DWD). The area of the obvervatory is not open for the public but there are special guided tours and even more there is a big attraction for any visitor of the Hohen Peissenberg: there is a weather trail in the midst of the lovely landscape with woods and green meadows. Surrounding the peak of the mountain and the observatory there is a walkway with information tables. The information tables are particularly of interest for anybody who is interested in a good introduction to weather phenomena and meteorology. There is also an information center at the entrance of the observatory which gives you more information about the observatory. The weather trail can be combined with longer hiking tours from the train stations in Hohen Peissenberg and Peissenberg. You can also go to the top of the mountain by car. There is a huge parking space and a big restaurant. Furthermore there is an old church of interest.

Its a great place for weather-watching and learning about meteorology and a place which is easily accessible. Hohen Peissenberg is also close to the well known tourist area “Pfaffenwinkel”.